Learn To (Do) How to define Best Title for Your Website SEO? Like A Professional.

Now SEO is very trending topic for Each and every marketer But It’s very difficult to decide the Title for a page. So here I tell you some steps to remember while writing the Title.

How do you come up with a good title?

.     1.   Think new ideas. Write down every word that comes to mind about your idea.
2.      Study titles in your genre.
3.      Make the title exciting i.e  eye catchy
4.      Make the title easy to remember when someone read it’s too easy to remember
5.      Pay attention to the each and every wording
6.      Use strong, vivid language to writing Title
7.      Read your own work multiple times.

Must Remember How long should an SEO title?

Length: Title tags should be 50-60 characters long, including spaces.
Keyword placement: Your most important keywords need to be first in your title tag, with your least important words coming last.

How do you do SEO for a website?

1. Create page titles. Keyword-based titles help establish page theme and direction for your keywords.
2.      Create Meta tags. Like meta keywords, meta description, meta location etc
3.      Place strategic search phrases on pages. Including your business keywords
4.      Develop new sitemaps for Google and Bing using Google search console or any other tools
5.      Submit website to directories, Bookmarking, Listing Etc.
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